This project was created as a statement wall piece to be placed in the board room of ATB Morton, a commercial and industrial construction company that was established in 1981. The client was looking for something that followed along the lines of a 'history wall' without adopting the traditional timeline approach.
The images were sourced through scanning old films to find photos that would work together as a set and provide the best insight into the history of the company. The branding of the company, which incorporates a strong triangular visual image, was taken into account for the overall wall design; however the triangles were used in a slightly different manner through pulling six together to form hexagon's, representing unity and strength for a company that has been in operation for more than 30 years. As these triangles were going to be cut from PVC panels a template was created in Illustrator that specified the size of each hexagon and how deep each groove would be along the axis of the shapes. Each photo was colour corrected slightly using Photoshop to form a more consistent flow between each of the photos. These were then printed onto vinyl, applied over the panels and mounted on the wall. To add a slight abstraction to the piece, the off-cuts of the prints were placed down the grooves of the shapes.
In other instances a 'history wall' would have captions describing each event, the decision was made to leave the captions off. By not including wording you are encouraging people to ask questions and start conversations.